
Apologetics: What does it mean?

The word “apologetics” comes from the Greek word, ἀπολογία (Apologia), and it means ‘speaking in defense of a position. The very first time this word appeared in the New Testament in in 1 Peter 3:15, where the Apostle Peter addressed early Christians in Asia Minor (a then Roman province), who were suffering persecution because of their faith in Christ Jesus. Peter Said:

“But even if you should suffer for righteousness’ sake, you will be blessed. Have no fear of them nor be troubled, but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense (apologia) to anyone who asks you for a reason (logos) for the hope that is within you; yet do it with gentleness and respect” (ESV).

The Lord has called every Christian to be ready to make a defense of his faith. You are called to give reasonable answers to questions regarding Christianity. Can you? How many people around you can?

Well, within this one verse Christian apologetics is summarized nicely. Christian apologetic can be summarized in two parts: (1) objective reasons and evidence that Christianity is true (it corresponds to reality) and, (2) the communication of that truth to the world. Therefore, Christian apologetics is both the science and art of answering questions by using reasons and evidence, in relation to the revealed Truth Proper to God and His Word.

You must get this correct now. Apologetics has its limits and really cannot make anyone a Christian. Yet, it is used by the Holy Spirit to clear away obstacles that are hindering saving faith.

Christian Apologetics require that we look to God for guidance at all times when we share His Word and the truth of our faith with others. If it is just us speaking, our words can return void, but if we operate in the Spirit of God and allow Him to guide us, the words He gives us will not return void (Isaiah 54:17).  We must enter into the discussion with others with the view that if they get what we are presenting, they will be winning a trophy at the end according Isaiah 1:18-19.

Always remember that you do not study apologetics and its related comparative religious components just to evangelize in the traditional sense. You need it in your ‘secular’ career, particularly in public policy and all forms of governance. We will deal with this later.

Different Types of Apologetics

The different main types of apologetic methodologies include: evidential, classical, or presuppositional apologetic. Polemics is sometimes being considered an apologetic method, but will not be considered in details in Candlelighters.

  1. Evidential Apologetics: It seeks to present information to unbelievers to show to them that believers have good reasons to believe that what they are preaching is true. Evidential apologetics appeals to or draws from science, history, and other things, in an effort to correlate with what is presented in the Word of God. Here the discussion between Science and Religion and the challenges involve represent the weaknesses with this method.
  2. Classical Apologetics: Focuses more on putting evidences into perspective through philosophical argumentation. This methodology focuses typically on establishing that the universe is a product of a theistic God of Christianity; and that Christianity provides the best explanation for what we experience in this universe. The Classical methodology usually move on to appeal to other evidences to establish that the creator of the universe is the Christian God. Both evidential apologetics methods and classical apologetic methods do not seek to demonstrate God or the truth of the Bible; rather, they seek to establish that there exist better reasons to believe in the Christian God than to not believe in Him.
  3. Presuppositional Apologetics: While emphasizing on epistemology (the study of knowledge), Presuppositional apologetic method argue that Christianity answers philosophical questions better than other religions. For example, how can I know anything at all?
  4. Polemics: It is the discipline of undermining opposing views. Though we are asked in 1 Peter 3:15, to make a case for our faith while being subservient to God; we at times must also cast down strongholds that are the result of deception, as mentioned in 2 Corinthians 10:4.

It is not possible for one apologetic method to claim to cover all the questions and counter arguments that a specific discussion might entail. For as many as there are people, so too will there be variance in the many questions that arise concerning why people have a problem with believing or relating with God and His Words. It should be noted that, when talking of the weakness of a specific apologetic methodology with respect to an issue, we do not mean that the methodology is bad. The strengths and weaknesses of each is considered in light of its relevance to the case the unbeliever brings forward in a conversation.

Do not Start a Fight with Anyone

Always remember that truth requires no energy to sustain it, while lies will always need lots of energy to sustain it. Therefore, if the Truth Proper to the Word of God is aligned to the Absolute Truth, you do not need to fight, but just present it in the best possible way you can, and trust in the power of the Holy Spirit, and the lies will collapse. When we engage in polemics, we must be careful not to come against people, but rather, we need to come against the lies of the devil that constantly deceives those who do not believe (Ephesians 6:12). People usually focus on winning the argument rather than cooperating with the Holy Spirit. God’s goal isn’t to win arguments because God already won the war. Your job is to communicate to the unbeliever the weaknesses of their position, and share the Gospel with them. We are here to testify what God has done for us, and how God could do more in their lives.

In order for unbelievers to believe, the problem so many times is not the person in-front of you, but you. Do you really know who you claim to represent? Can you speak to others intelligently about what you believe? Do you even know at least 5 other world views that are popular in your surroundings, that are contrary to what you believe or stand for? Have you seen your surrounding changing contrary to what it is supposed to be according to what your belief says? You must not be ignorant of your responsibilities!

Just too Much Information to Process?

I can imagine you don’t know from where to start with this entire Apologetics issue. More so, in the world of social media and the internet, there are floods of information being presented to yo. Making sense of it all is not easy. This we understand. We also understand that you have a purpose and a part to play within the entire picture. You could pray and ask the Lord to teach you what He wants you to know. Ask Him to give you a burden for something to learn. It doesn’t matter what it is. Just ask. Whatever you become interested in is what you should learn about. You will certainly use it later. Think about you having tools in your tool box.  The more you have, the more you can accomplish.

Also remember that through circumstances God might also direct you to study something specific. Do you also know that your Word of God is very Alive and keeps on searching your heart? As you read it, it might come alive concerning a specific subject. Yes! That is what you should study.

Candlelighters as a Pointer and a Distiller

In Candlelighters, our goal within this Apologetics service is to operate along the lines prescribed by 1 Peter 3:11 as shown above. We hope to help you Have no fear in presenting, while honoring Christ in your heart, and being always prepared to make a defense, with gentleness and respect, to anyone for a reason for what you believe.  

As the Lord leads us, in Candlelighters we will try to ease your learning and study processes by acting as a pointer. We will try to function as a distiller for you.

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