Welcome to our Donation page.

We are very exited to partner with you to bring transformation in the lives of many, by the Grace of God.

Your generous gift will help us to promote spiritual growth through the power of the Holy Spirit, by helping to bring deeper information, knowledge, and practical applicable understanding of the Christian worldview in areas of daily living, relationships to and with the world, business, and other areas that affect and influence our daily lives.

Because of your financial support, someone will be better equipped, encouraged, and strengthened with the truth proper to the Word of God. We are very pleased to inform you that, based on the services and products we offer, you are our primary beneficiary target also. Your financial support helps us to help You strengthen Your walk with Jesus Christ.


1. Direct Bank Transfer

Account Holder: Candlelighters International

Bank: PostFinance SA

Account Number: 15-625982-4

IBAN: CH08 0900 0000 1562 5982 4


2.  PayPal and Other Cards


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